Fold menu • Helix Settings..., Predict Helix, HCA, CF: (not available) • Turn Bond: (item enabled only if a torsion atom has been selected by double-clicking on an atom with the Option key down) If the 'Show Clash Between Atoms During Torsion' has been set in the File/Preferences dialog, clashed atoms are marked as torsion proceeds. * ClockWise, CounterCW: (⌘S, ⌘/) Torsion direction around the torsion atom. * Go Crazy: randomly(?) turn all bonds of a structure. • Step Folding: Display residue after residue the folding of a structure (use ⌘Y to do this). If the OptionKey is down when choosing this menu item, the folding is not automatic but occurs stepwise (use ⌘Y to enter one residue at a time). Structural information concerning each residue is given: region (region of Ramachandran plot): pack (helix region), packG (symetrical of helix region), extd (sheet region), extdG (symetrical of sheet region), out (none of the preceeding); state : alpha, 310, strand, turn, coil; phi : phi angle in degree. psi : psi angle in degree. chi1 : chi1 angle in degree. OBded: indicates to what atom(s) main chain oxygen is H-bonded (Bded= bonded). NBded: indicates to what atom(s) main chain nitrogen is H-bonded. SCBded: indicates to what atom(s) side chain atoms are H-bonded. • Fold Into Helix.